Perfect treatment to remove "Peach-Fuzz" hair, with the benefits of a deep exfoliation and hydratio
Dermaplaning, or ‘epidermal levelling’, is a fast, safe, non-invasive treatment which can improve many skin conditions.
Dermaplaning treatment is performed using a blade to gently exfoliate the skin. It removes the outer layer of dead skin cells, along with fine facial hair commonly known as ‘peach fuzz’ or vellus hair. The treatment removes the hair gently and safely without stimulating hair growth.
This exfoliating treatment is an great complement to chemical peels or microdermabrasion and is a good choice for anyone who has extremely sensitive skin, redness or rosacea. It immediately leaves the skin feeling smooth, supple and vibrant.
A noticeable improvement is immediate with smoother texture and fresh skin appearance. Dermaplaning effectively:
Improves skin texture
Lightens uneven hyperpigmented skin for a more even skin tone
Unblocks blackheads, making pores appear smaller
Smooths acne scarring
Boosts the effectiveness of skincare product absorption